REVEAL is a European Educational Network for Competence Oriented Learning and Validation. It has been developed since 2005 and currently consists of institutions and individuals from 27 European Member States, including universities, European umbrella organisations, educational institutions, schools, vocational training institutions and various nongovernmental organisations from different sectors. REVEAL was founded to offer the LEV
EL5 validation system and related products and services in Europe. REVEAL offers innovative learning and development projects that are based competence based learning and validation approach. They aim at promoting and facilitating practical and needs driven learning projects and competence developments in different non-formal and informal contexts.
The Förderverein Minimal Music e.V. (FMM) was founded in 2000 and aims to convey this still little-known, fascinating and multifaceted musical genre to a broad public, to clarify the artistic-aesthetic aspects of minimal music and to support its further development through educational programmes, concerts & workshops/symposia. Since the funding of the Förderverein Minimal Music they have organised the already existing International Minimal Music Festival (IMMF) in Kassel as a biennial, which took place in 2019. Also funding and organisation of individual concert events, especially of the Kasseler Minimal Music Ensemble IN PROCESS, overarching cultural projects like the organisation of two Gamelan-Festivals in Kassel. During the IMMF there are always offers for workshops for pupils with the presentation of the results of their own compositions in their own concert. Workshops and publications are important elements of the activities of FMM.
The Muzikološki institut SANU or Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) in Belgrade was founded in 1948. The Institute conducts study of history and theory of music, ethnomusicology and music aesthetics. The Institute has its archive, phonoarchive, photographic collection, and a library.
Beside scholarly research, the Institute has always been engaged in a spectrum of educational and cultural activities, targeting not only expert audience, but also a wider public interested in the Serbian musical heritage and its position in the European context. The Institute organises concerts, public lectures and lecture recitals, conferences, study days, educational seminars for music teachers, etc. The Institute conducts numerous domestic and international projects; some of them have been funded by EU programmes such as Creative Europe, and the European Capital of Culture.
The institute is also actively involved with UNESCO programmes for the safeguarding of cultural heritage. Our organisation is fully dedicated to the study, promotion and dissemination of contemporary music, including minimalism, postminimalism and other styles. The institute has organised numerous concerts and projects and the associates of the institute have filmed multiple TV shows and documentaries for the Serbian Broadcasting Corporation and other media organisations.
Conservatory of Music “Luigi Cherubini” in Florence, was established by Royal Decree on 31th December 1923. It is the only conservatory operating in the Region of Tuscany and attracts an international student population from Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa. The Institution, through its Erasmus Office, has entered into bilateral agreements with most important universities and music institutions throughout Europe, allowing exchanges of students and teachers.
The Conservatory offers around 200 academic courses and a dense schedule, including training projects, production, promotions and musical researches. The prestigious Library, consisting of the old school collection, the archives of the Grand-Ducal Court of Tuscany (Pitti Fund) and various donations of specific funds and the extremely important Basevi Fund, is joined with the Museum of Musical Instruments from Medici´s Collection, consisting of string instruments of inestimable value (Stradivari, Amati, etc.), as well as keyboards and wind instruments.

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